I just got back from a Mission Trip to Cambodia. Less than 24 hours after touching down on Malaysian soil, I'm back in the comforts of my Melakan home. Feels good to be home. Miss my family.
Well, now I'm back to the mundane routine of my life. Somehow, I miss Cambodia, I miss the team, I miss the Khmer people, I miss the sights...having 'post-cambodia syndrome'. A part of me still wishes I'm back there again. Being there, you're away from your routined life, and that's more appealing to me. However, the cold reality that I'm back to my normal life is slowly sinking in. I don't know what to expect this holidays. Before my trip, I was looking forward to the remainder of my holidays. Now, I don't feel the same. Guess it has something to do with purpose. When I was there, I sensed purpose. Being back here, I've been disoriented for a bit. Need to find my purpose again.
I've got so much to say about the trips I've been on. But words don't come easy, and people are sometimes not interested with words. So, I'll spill the beans here and there.
For now, all I am feeling is I miss the guys and gals I've slowly grown accustomed to during the 10 days I was at Cambodia. Feeling a little bit empty. Well, to the normal life, here I come!

Cheers to you all! May God continue to be with you.