
Thursday, October 05, 2006

A hazy dawn

It's a hazy dawn again. Nice:)
Where I live, it's just one straight row of houses facing each other, that's it. My 'taman' is just that: one main road short of a hundred meters and about less than 30 houses. It's a different setting in comparison to the multiple rows of houses lined up like factories, something which you'd see in Subang.

So, the view this morning when I stood in front of my lane, houses to the left, houses to the right, the main road with the sea, in front and dark coudy skies up above. To add a dash to the nostalgia, there was a strong blowing wind. I should upload a picture of it. Maybe tomorrow.

Anyways, my dad asked my mum and I to have a blood and urine test. Don't ask me why. So, this morning, I had a needle up my veins and blood oozing out. It's no biggie, but the sight of it sometimes makes my knees weak. Each time I donate blood, I brace myself for when the steel pierces the skin. After that, it's all ok. Just that initial bit.

And I also discovered a funny comic strip thanks to Albert. Check it out : http://www.comics.com/comics/pearls/

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