
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 1 of U-Turn

Today mark's the first day of my church's collective U-Turn - 21 days fast and pray. All these years of prayer and reflection prior to Good Friday, I have this sudden urge this year to take it up a notch. This sense of urgency is wanting me to be a little more serious with this time, not that I wasn't taking it seriously before this.

If God is really that great, and He lives in me, then my life would be a representation of His greatness and His goodness. I want more of God in my life. Not just religion, but something deeper. I think I've been a bit stagnant with routine. Routine is good, it helps keep me grounded. Same way like brushing your teeth every morning. It's routine, but it keeps your 'blings' clean and sparkly.

I need a fresh view of my life, and the things that I'm doing. Call it, a touch from Heaven.

Lord, I commit the next 21 days into Your loving hands:)


Alma said...

Please help me! How can I do to have comments on my blog? I'm new in this ... Do I have to do something? or just wait for a comment:P??

Unknown said...

Very nice commitment to fasting and a fresh view of life. Keep it up and God will reward you!

Anonymous said...

Amigo, no reces, investiga sobre tu religión... y te encontrarás con grandes sorpresas. ¿Sabes que la figura de Jesucristo es una copia casi exacta del dios egipcio Horus y el dios Mitra persa? Madre virgen, 12 apostoles, murieron y resucitaron al tercer día, etc, etc.

Todo es copia, simple copia y un negocio que se aprovecha de la buena fé de la gente. Te recomiendo veas el reportaje ZEITGEIST que te aclarará muchos las ideas.

Mi blog es:


Allí podré contestarte cualquier duda que tengas, demostrandote con pruebas fuera de toda duda que te estan engañando.

Un abrazo

poki12 said...

good blog

God's Blessed One said...

Hi there...How did the 21 days os fasting go? I too want more of God in my life. His presents makes me feel complete and I miss that right now. I need to make a U-Turn in my life to follow the path that God has set for me to make through...Everything. I enjoyed yor blog & hope to read more. God Bless you.

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