
Thursday, March 01, 2007


Still wondering why and when did it affect me. At which part did the smile leave my face and I became sober? At which instance did my laughter stop and I became quiet? It's been a while and I thought that I had a cap on it. But caps do fall off.

I'm still trying to forget. Time is supposed to heal. I hope so. It's been some time already.

I look forward to the day when I look at you, and I won't feel a thing anymore, indifferent. I look forward to the time when you won't arrest my laughter. I look forward when my wings won't be clipped by how you feel.


Anonymous said...

hi wee liem, its been some time ya since i've last spoken to you. How's life treating you? Anyway, I wish you all the best and hope that in time you will truly be healed.Cheers.

P/S: Just sort of stumbled on to your blog. Haha...Just felt that I should drop a line or two.

weeliem said...

thanks....btw, did I jsut comment that?
i guess not:)