This is probably the longest time I've been back in Melaka since I left her when I left for Cyberjaya. Actually, since I started working. As an MMU student, I've had the privilege of having a really long semester break, almost 2 months due to some timetable shifts. Since I started working more than a year ago, I've never been home more than 5 days. This time round, I got slightly more than a week.
Melaka, she's changed so much. The roads seem narrower, while the cars populate the streets like they were mass breeding. Can almost put it as an analogy of a clogged artery needing a bypass. Every's almost jammed during weekends. The prices are going up, food and transport. But still, Melaka, she's a beauty. Gracefully growing old.
To me, Melaka is my haven, my escape. In physical terms, she's refuge for the weary. Whenever I need time out from everything, I come here. Melaka's home. My family's here. And nothing like a good dose of family to put everything into perspective. I thank God that I still have Melaka, and my family. It helps to just get out of routine and be in that hideaway.
I purposedly choose to spend a longer time back here this time round, was mainly for my youngest sister. I realised she's all grown up, almost a teenager. I just became a teenager when she was born. Now, she's touching that phase in her life. It feels like only yesterday, when I could carry her around. Now, she's all grown up. It would look darn silly carrying her now....overgrown baby. I just want to catch her one more time, before she reaches that teenage stage where it's not cool to hang out with big brother anymore.*sighz*
But it's been good, while it lasted. Heading back to KL in a few hours time. My heart feels heavy everytime I think of packing up to head back 'home' in subang. And to hear my sister beg me to stay for at least one more day longer....
aww... you're the sweetest korkor la :)
dont worry, she'll always look up to you as her big brother even when Malacca starts shooting astronauts into space. :)
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