
Sunday, June 21, 2009

How far we've come

Tomorrow will be exactly 1 month since I re-opened up my heart and laid it on the table of transparency. I was clumsy and fumbled for words, producing flowers from thin air like a magician, at the wrong time. But,this time, she said 'yes':) (it's not a proposal, but a journey to get there someday)

Our commitment to give our best to make this work.

Of the months of going through life, and working out our differences, we're still worlds apart from our final destination. But when I look back, we've come a long way since the initial 'hi, i'm so and so, nice to meet you', to the, 'i've got a confession to make, i like you', to the, 'i don't know how to do this, but let's trust God and work this out'. I think, we've grown a bit more.

Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for trying. Thank you for bearing with me. Thank you for loving me, with all my faults and inadequacies. Thank you for being you.

Here's to the coming months and years:) Looking forward to every bit of it:)


Anonymous said...

eyer so corny!!!!!!!!!!!!


that photo not nice also

SO CORNY can't get over it

ok bye bye

-girl in the grey top

Charismatic said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for loving me, with all my faults and inadequacy*

should read "inadequacies"


weeliem said...

that's what i said...inadequate...so pls bear with me:P

hoydenmel said...


Deric said...

Very sweet indeed. :P


mystic said...

rings already??? wow. commitment.

butter_cookie said...

Wow. Rings and all. Haha. I've not even received flowers yet. Heh.

Well, just a heads-up. It's gona get more fun! LOTS of ups and downs. Lots of laughs. Maybe lots of heartache. But it gets more beautiful coz you'll be going through the whole deal with someone right beside you. =)

Oh man, so sweet! You've got me reminiscing. Hee.

.:mysh:. said...

l almost want to FB and 'like' this. :) i hope it comes up sunshine and flowers and love love love. :) i'm glad. Make it happen, make it good. Time and chance, seize the moments. *huggs*

alephtav said...

i am happy for your 'finally'. :) it's gonna be great so hang on for the ride. cheers!

Jyan said...


Ed!2sOn_1Ee said...

glad n nice 2 hear tat...
u reali de lucky 1...