
Sunday, June 28, 2009

like random....random...saying what comes to the top of my head

Happy 21st birthday!! Now you're of legal age to go clubbing:P but, I'm not asking you to OK. Have a great year ahead. May He restore the years the locusts have eaten:) *hugz*

Was having teh-tarik session with my autobot buddies. Meet Bumblebee and Sideswipe. Sideswipe's a wee bit shy...

This is what a bunch of working adults do when life gets too tough...they talk to their robots and have a robo-party. Imagine old farts holding on to their transformers and making funny vehicle noises with their mouth as they swish their robots in the air. So much for being grown-up:p

This were the pack of condoms I saw at the chinese medical hall I was doing a trade sales blitz on. While re-stocking my milk products on the aisle-shelf, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw the brand name. They're using reverse-psychology:)

Have you met Mr Smiley?

All my resolution for losing that flab was gone the instant these evil objects were on my plate....bah...

Actually, I was buying this for my nephew....*nervous grin*
Okokok.I admit. I bought it for me....

Have you heard of Steamed Durians? Neither have I, until 2 nights ago...
You can't taste the fullness of frozen durians. So, we thought defrosting it the only way and means we had...It's just...plain badd...

My dream in the making...
She's gonna go berserk if she sees this here....

My life ambition...

Can you please tell me how to get there?

call me stupid...but I still think Big Apple is the bomb.

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