
Friday, October 01, 2004

nobody knows what it's like to be the bat-man

nobody likes to be the bad guy
sometimes u just are the bad guy
and u never know why
a crime happens
and you're obvlious to what's happening
next thing, the gun's in your hand
and you wonder how u became the offender

you try hard to live right
but at the end, you're misunderstood
and you wonder, is it worth the fight

you give your best
but you fall short
u wonder, should you have even tried

innocence is lost
just by a speck of guilt
simplicity looses it's substance
when you add an extra unknown

but you still keep trying
you don't give up

i'm sorry for being the bad guy...
never wanted this job
but sometimes, it happens
and here i am with the gun...
innocently guilty

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