
Thursday, November 03, 2005

DAY 11

DAY 11

I've been wanting to have a day-to-day update of my working experience,but I've been surprisingly caught up with loads of work and other events.

I can't say I'm so caught up with work...but I can't seem to see the days just fly pass even quicker. Without much realisation, it's been 11 days of work! Felt like I've been in this 'working' environment for ages.

The first few days were pretty boring. I would come to the office, and there was nothing to be done. And I realised that sitting for 5 hours doing absolutely nothing is more tiring that doing something. Being stuck in the office, with no work to do ( lack of training then) made me pick up my friend's Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown up to read...just to pass time. Since then, I was hooked. At least it helped me through those boring few days.

The worst was on Sunday the first week! I wanted to go to church, but I had work. But at work...they didn't have anything for us to do. So I sat there doing nothing....A day just wasted like that:( And it was a Sunday! Sigh. But I was thankful that I had The Da Vinci Code to read. Really made time go by smoothly.

When work came, boy, it came by the dozens! The first day when work started pouring in was like this: Step into the office, given a stack of 'jobpacks', and before I knew it, it was time to go home. It has been like that for the past few days I've been here. Just keying in data into the system. Easy, but monotonous. It's so robotised. Even my boss said that. But what to do. Just learning how to relate to ppl and learn up as much as I can, eventhough it's nothing related to engineering. The work over here comes as much as you can do. Do slowly, you get less work, Do quickly, you might just get more to do. But I've been pushing myself to do as much as I can, even if it means that mroe work will be added to me. I just want to give my best shot.

My great 'enemy' here is the afternoon-lunch-slumber. I battle is everytime after a hearty lunch. That's why a student's life is somewhat better. If you're sleepy, you can choose to skip class for sleep. But you can't do that when you are working. There are times I'm forcing myself to keep awake and go and with entering data....halfway thru, I doze off rite on the keyboard. And all my data will be gibberish.

So far, the bonding here is goign on pretty well.

On another thought, I'm currently reading(read) 2 books, with both the main character having the same name : Sophie. Coincidental. And both has some roots in philosophy and mystery.

It's a sweet name.

My time is up. I'm off for home now.

Missing so many people now...they're all so far away...but I wonder if they're missing me to.


Unka Chan said...

Man...your work sounds as boring as mine. Well, welcome to the working world. You work like a robot from 9-6 everyday and get paid peanuts. (In my case, not paid at all!)

Take care dude!

reenz said...

da vinci code is nice..but scary also... >.< all the best in work!!! lolz

Anonymous said...

wee liem.. i truly miss u... i'm oni sneakin in on the net.. just to say i wuv u.. muaks* take care k... hope to catch up soon.. this sucks.we dun have pc to use.. have to use other's .. this one oso she's on leave.. hugs* hope everything is fine with u...

Anonymous said...

wee liem.. i truly miss u... i'm oni sneakin in on the net.. just to say i wuv u.. muaks* take care k... hope to catch up soon.. this sucks.we dun have pc to use.. have to use other's .. this one oso she's on leave.. hugs* hope everything is fine with u...

Anonymous said...

wee liem.. i truly miss u... i'm oni sneakin in on the net.. just to say i wuv u.. muaks* take care k... hope to catch up soon.. this sucks.we dun have pc to use.. have to use other's .. this one oso she's on leave.. hugs* hope everything is fine with u...

Dave said...

Hey man,

Hope this antidote may help!

Craig Blomberg weighs in: "It's just a novel"

Ronald Huggins' Cracking the Codes:

Darrel Bock's The Good news of DVC:

Ben Witherington's "Mary, Mary Extraordinary"

Dave: "It's the truth!"

hoydenmel said...

i miss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
love ya loads!
See you soon aight!

Charel said...

bing! i'm here again! haha... me myself big fan of dan brown too! now into third book Digital Fortress. and when i'm not broke anymore, i might just indulge myself in the fourth book - deception point! weeee~ don't worry, u're missed. *winks*

Jowen said...

i am missing you too.,....first i went training while u r around, now its your turn to go training while i am around...:P

Take Care alwaz, brop....