
Thursday, April 20, 2006

More than just a band....

The previous post became a lil emo for at the end, and then there was class. Didn't really have time to mention the last part. Just got back from class. Anyways, here's something that I've got to say. Amplify, to me, is more than just a band. What started out as just a band for an event now has taken a deeper meaning. We've been together for close to year, but things became more personal only within the last 3 months, when the 3rd trimester started. It's not just only about making music. Now it's about hanging out, sharing our problems, talking about our future. It's more than just, " i think you played a wrong note there", or " maybe we could try this ". It's past that. We do tell each other off at times. But what's more important than the studio sessions is the drive to the studio, the mamak sessions afterwards and even the trips to the music stores. We're opening up alot to each other, not just in the types of music we listen to. We're sharing more about what we believe in. We're looking at mistakes and instead of discarding it, we work at it. It's not just about music. It's about the people. I really don't know how everyone else in the band feels about this. But as a band, I think we've gone up another level.

Right after the results were out, one of the guys actually called each one of us to find out if we're ok. I didn't expect it. But that sense of concern was there. As I talked to the other guys, I felt a deep feeling of disappointment, but somehow, it's going to be ok. The smses of encouragement I got from the guys spoke a lot to me. It showed me that Amplify just wasn't about performances, but the people behind it.

Dude, Amplify is bigger than this. BOTB is not everything....for some others, it is, but we have recording plans right? We are more than this.

Not down as in sad, but down as in slepy la. Ha ha. Call me when we're jamming next.

when chuah told me.. he asked me am i ok.. i also duno how to answer man... really duno how to answer....
for me amplify is a band with life...
without it i cant get to know u more... chuah n joshua...
i kept on questioning myself y.. what's happening...
but then i think there must be something God wants us to learn....

For me, Amplify is not just a band. It's a team. A Friendship. A fellowship. Actualyl amplify healed my broken heart. Helped me over my hardest time. So cheers. Amplify will move on.

These are some of the words of encouragement of the people I'm proud to be in a band with. Makes it feel like losing out isn't such a biggie anymore. I really do not know where out future will take us, or each of our own paths will lead to. But for now, we're Amplify.

What's been going on

This is going to be a very long entry.
Hopefully, characterising the events would help.

On Final Year Project (19th April ):
My Final Year Project (FYP) is DONE!!! D-O-N-E! Only thing left, the presentation. What a huge relief to finally get it done and over with. After all these weeks. And for the past few nites of no decent sleep. Just as if a huge burden lifted up. Somehow, after talking to my superviser, he gave me the impression that FYP is such a small thing in the university context. It's as if FYP is for kids. I quote him, " FYP only what!? Don't expect us to read everything. Most important is your Abstract, Introduction, and Conclusion. If you're a masters student, then maybe they will read everything." I can't really blame him. Imagine writing a 100-page thesis. Imagine 600+ engineering students writing each a 100-paged thesis. Imagine 40+ lecturers trying to go through every single one of them. If I were them, I'd just read the important parts. For the overall project, I really gave my best. But I got a feeling I messed up by Background Theory. Can't seem to explain properly the concept of the whole thing. This FYP has brought me alot closer to a few people. Some of them I've only seen but never known before. Some, getting to know them better. It's all teamwork and personal effort. It's really a truly enriching experience. Now that the FYP is out of the way, it means I've got slightly less than a month before I sit for my final exams...and hopefully...graduate. For many of the final year students, once they handed up their FYP, it felt as if exams were over. No mood to study for final exams. Well, that's about as much I can say about me getting over the FYP period:p

On UNITE 2006 ( 14th April ):
The highlight for me was being able to take loads of pictures with all the beautiful people dressed up for the night. I didn't really bother what was going on stage. Just going from table to table to see who I know and taking pictures with them. Everybody put in so much effort to look great:) There were some that I couldn't even recognise at first. They look extraordinarily stunning than when I see them in class. On normal days, we usually look plain and ordinary. At UNITE, it was...just an explosion of colors. The girls were looking all hot, and the guys like hunks...not all, but most. Pictures do speak a thousand words. So, see for yourself:p (come find me). Anyways, Amplify had the chance to play for UNITE. We went for the audition and we got chosen. We prepared 8 songs, but when the time came, it was cut down to only 2! Only did Ever The Same by Rob Thomas and one Chinese song that till now I don't know the title. Chee Meng sang it. Our slot was right before the VIP entrance. So the committees kept us waiting and when we did start playing, they rushed us.... *sigh* But not many were listening to us anyways. I felt bad for Esther and Nicky. Joshua invited them to perform with us. So they prepraed 1 nice song. And when it was their turn to come up, we were asked to end. So all that practice...and no one saw. I really anticipated to have the stage to ourselves for a bit, even if no one was paying attention. Never expected us to be people just filling up slots to pass time. *double sigh*. My overall impression of UNITE : sucks! But I shall spare you details. You can read the forum about all the people's complains. Just 24-hours after UNITE, the forum reached 9 pages. So that kinda says how intense were the people's displeasure with UNITE. But I did play my part in organising a 'rombongan' to go there. Read the 2 previous posts.

On Amplify and the auditions for MMU Melaka's Battle of the Bands (16th April):
We DIDN'T make it!! *crushed* Whatever I felt then, I felt it again.
We were ready. We were hoping.We put up a good show. We gave our best....but it wasn't....good....enough.... Out of 40++ bands that participated, only 12 would be selected. 9 from Melaka Campus and 3 from Cyber Campus. Since our first auditioned which we really sucked and failed, we've really been improving and working on our weakness all these while. Took us a while to get back on our feet again. After the auditions, most of us had industrial training and we kinda like..'disbanded' for a bit, since everyone was every else. But since the 3rd semester, we got back and put in alot of effort to get it running again. WE got more serious with our music. We took up challenges in this semester itself. And for a time, we made progress. Our first big thing after the failed auditions, was Carrer Fair Live Concert. Then it was Career Fair Carnival. After that, we were invited to perform for MMUSIC Unplugged III. All these were side issues. Our main goal after AudioWarfare's failed auditions was Melaka's Battle of the Bands auditions. That was our target. But along the way to getting there, some of the mentioned opportunities came our way and we seized it. Our latest progress, just a couple of days before the audition was UNITE, which we managed to get a slot to play for. But sadly, we missed our main goal. It's a personal failure for me. My dream was to participate in a band competition in university at least once before I graduated. I failed. Both times. After the audition, we thought we could make it. It sounded promising. We stood a high chance.Next day when I heard the results...it took a while for the news to sink in. When it did, I wasn't ok. The usual barrage of 'why's streamed through my head. All the questions came to mind. Why this? Why that? Did we lack this or that? It was endless. My confidence and hope kinda dissolved. After all this while, we came so far just to fall short of our goal by a matter of a few placings? I just don't undertand. How is it that some people achieve success with their first try? And some takes ages to pass the first barrier? Did we screw up? What is it we lacked? What was missing that could have given us the edge over the rest? The agony of defeat is so real. Till now, I'm still trying to pick the pieces up. Trying to deal with the issues in my head. It's just too painful at times. I know some try to sympathize. But it's just not that simple. You don't know, do you? I wish I could take 'It's ok' as an answer. But I can't. *frustrated*

Friday, April 14, 2006


UPDATES!!! - It's GOOD FRIDAY today!!!

My FYP got screwed up. But UNITE HAS to go on.

Please, if you're reading this, and still have not collected your UNITE tickets from me, get your sorry a** off the chair and come get it from me, NOW!

For those driving....there is a sticker that you need to stick on your windscreen as an entrance pass to PICC. So, please get that sticker on your screen immediately and don't procrastinate. You'll be sorry if you have to walk all the way up there. Yes, you and your date...whatever!

For those needing transport.....if you can arrange yourself, that would be good. If not, there are available cars going.

1. Audrey's car - 4 spaces
2.Lincoln's car - 4 spaces
3.Daniel ( aka Boss) - 2 spaces
4.Chee Yong's car - 4 spaces (he said girls only)
5.Kae Ee's car - 3 spaces
6.Yuin-Y's car (driver is jason mock) - 3 spaces

So get in touch with these people if you really need transport. First come first serve basis....but if the driver doesn't like you..it's just too bad. If not, start walking by 4pm, you should reach latest by 8pm.

PLease be there by 7pm. Don't be late. They might close the doors at 8pm. So if you're late....you've been warned!!

Anything, get back to me.

ps : if you do not like the seating, I'm so sorry. Make your own arrangements then.


Table Numbers are:
EeNie - 122
MeeNie - 136
MyNiee - 137
Moh - 106

They're all side by side. SO don't worry about being separated.


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wee Liem's Go To U-Nite Programme

U-Nite 2006 is this FRIDAY (14/4/2006)

For fyp people, that means you have 5 days before FYP submission. All the best!

For those of you who ordered U-Nite 2006 tickets through me, here is your table seating. For now, just check here constantly for updates (it helps my blog ratings:P). I'm not really sure what exactly the table numbers are, but you can be assured that I already have your tickets. You may start your ticket collection from me starting Thursday (13/4/2006).

As for now, we shall call it Table EeNie, Meenie, Myniee and Moh.

For those of you who are:
- willing to drive and have a car
- have a car but don't want to drive, but willing to loan it to someone to drive
- don't have a car but can drive
please let me know. Put your response in the comments. There are some people that might need transport. If you have a date...and you're 5-seater has suddenly become a 'meant for 2', I understand. Rock and roll!

Ok. Here goes.

Table EeNie
3.Wee Liem
5.Jia Wern
7.Joash Yap
9.Chee Kah
10.Stephanie Goh

Table Meenie
1.Gim Han
3.Su Lin
4.Su Yin
6.Wai Choong
7.Wee Ni
8.Ah Harm

Table Myniee
2.Kae Ee
4.Kevin Tang
6.David Keong
7.Jason Mok
9.Poh Yee
10.Peak Yin

Table Moh
5.Chee Yong
6.Justin Lee
8.Alvin Lee

I hope you are alright with the arrangement. I had to crack my head arranging who sits where. And I've tried taking consideration of everyones needs. So don't crucify me. (blame it on the lack of girls coming:P) If there is something wrong please message me personally.

If you have any question, just post it on the comments and I will get back to you. If you have anything to say also, post it on the comments.

Till then, see you when you collect your tickets. And here's to a great U-Nite 2006


Monday, April 10, 2006

In the silence of the night

Why do I break my heart over you again and again?
Have I not atoned for enough?
Have I not proved myself enough?
Can I just love and be loved?
Is it too much to ask?

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Pleading Sanity

Sometimes I wonder, what it would have been
If it was you and me
Would things have been better?
Would it have been brighter?
Common in much, Diverse in much
A bright start, but what happened?
The same goal
The same dreams
Was I blind?
And ignorant?
Would it have been Picture Perfect?
Would I have been there?
Would you have done the same?
We're worlds apart, waiting for hope
Behind our smiles, lay hidden fear
Of a past trying to get us
Till then, I'll wait for directions
Till I know for sure.
That whoever you are
You'll come back to me.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Happenings this week:

So far, it's been really falling into place. I believe God came thru for all our needs, eventhough it's just day 2 of 3 of this event. The play went on without any majot hiccups. It was just awesome. Minutes before the actual presentation, it was still fumbly-messy. Things were not coordinated. Glitches here and there. But when the time came for the show to carry on, God made everything perfect. Great job on a play well executed. It was just amazing. I guess Easter Event plays will have brighter futures. The crowd may not be the usual super-packed hall, but it was more than I expected. The band also was just tremendous. I really like the way they blend into the play without disrupting attention. They enhanced the effect of the play. Though restraint had to be exercised, it sounded really good. Alot of people asked me if it was a cd playing. The vocals were also very suitable. They were jut inspiring.

This is the first time Amplify played in an unplug session. It was a really new experience. To be honest, it was also one of the worst shows put up. Partly our fault, but partly it was the sound system. We're just noobs in this gig affair. So we're not really pros when it comes to fine-tuning the sound on a live set, especially when there's no soundcheck. We couldn't really hear each other and ended up fumling our way through. But it wasn't all that bad. It's just a learning experience for us. Mistakes not to make again. The bands before and after us also had sound problems. However, Love Me Butch really did give a superb performance. Got conned into buying their cd. But it's for a good cause: suppoting local music. Having a really good guitar makes a whole lot difference where sound is concerned.

Amplify was also asked to perform a couple of songs for metropolitan's something's installation night this coming Saturday. I don't know much details, but we had to turn it down. Time is too short on our side. Too many thing to accomplish and too little time. Anyways, I've got a family Japanese Buffet during that time. So something lost, something else gained.

Things that are coming my way:

6/4 - Easter BBQ Nite.
7-13/4 - music practices/fyp
7/4 - leaders meeting
8/4 - pg leaders meeting
14/4 - U-Nite!!
15-16/4 - Audition for Melaka Botb
17/4 - FYP submission
23/4 - Melaka Botb ( if we make it pass the audition )

I'm so....drowning.....

On other thoughts,
1. Sometime life is so ironic, you just shut up.
2. Sometime I don't like you.
3. Sometimes your best isn't good enough.
4. Sometimes we fall to be able to get up.
5. Sometimes I wish you weren't so hard to understand.
6. Sometimes I wish I was in love.
7. Sometimes I wish I was smart.
8. Sometimes you don't understand what's going on...and you still don't.
9. Sometimes it's good to have boobs....it helps you get away with things (pardon me)
10.Sometimes, your words don't match your actions.
11.Sometimes your ignorance is so deafening.
12.Sometimes I wish I could cry.
13.Sometimes, I wish I was free again.
14.Sometimes, ..........