First thought : "S***! It's an earthquake! Get your valuables and bust this joint!". We weren't really panicky, but all of us decided immediately that we needed to leave the house. We took our important things: wallet, keys etc. Somehow, my guitar, my electric guitar, pc didn't even cross my mind. We took what we needed and slumberly walked out the house. As we were walking down the stairs, we heard a mob coming from upstairs, all rushing down. Apparently, other's felt it too. When we got to the ground floor, a crowd was building up. Everywhere, there was people! The crowd was building by the seconds. Evacuation! Never thought it would happen in Cyberjaya. There was a commotion. Seems like everyone felt the tremor and took the best action by leaving their units.
It was a sight to behold. I tried locating all my close friends. But amidst the crowd, it was taking forever. I tried calling...the lines were jammed. For once, I understood what 'call-blocking' was! Everyone was trying to call out through their mobiles that maxis and digi and celcom had to drop so many calls coz their servers were full. Feels good to understand what you're studying eh? After a while, I found a bunch of my friends together. We decided to pray. We didn't know what exactly was going on, or what exactly to do. When we saw the Police and Bomba entering the vicinity, it had to be serious. They were asking everyone to piss off, in a nice way. Hailers were blasting. Btw, hailers are useless...they make noise, not under the garbled sound of human directions, we just left. To be safe, everyone had to be evacuated. So there were thousands of people on the streets, in the car park, everywhere. We prayed. We waited. We were not allowed to return back home. It was fast turning to 3.15am, 2 hours since the first tremor.
By the time we got permission to go home, it was 4 am. I was tired...wasted and sleepy. But more than that, I was thankful that I was alrite. Nothing serious happened.
Apparently, an earthquake broke out in the Andaman Sea about half an hour before the first tremor took place in Cyberjaya. Authorities were alerted about a tsunami taking place. Since it took place in the sea. What I felt were just the tremors of the 8.2 on the Richter scale earthquake, and the aftershocks. For more information of what happened, check it out here, here and here.

Looking at the map, I realized how near the earthquake was to us. About 500 km away...which isn't really that far. I'm thankful that God protected us here in Malaysia. I'm still praying for those who are affected in Indonesia.
One earthquake took place a few after Christmas, the day Jesus was born. Another earthquake took place a day after Easter Sunday, the day that Jesus rose again after dying on the cross. Spiritual implications? Coincidence?